See Bias | Block Bias Tool: Diagnosing Bias
This tool provides an evidence-based approach to diagnose bias. Diagnosing bias will enable change agents to more effectively design solutions and convince others in the organization that bias does exist in the culture. Diagnosing bias plays essential roles in improving diversity and inclusion program efficacy.
Download the Diagnosing Bias Toolkit
See Bias | Block Bias Tool: Assessing Performance and Potential
Assessing performance and potential is an essential component of hiring, developing, retaining and advancing employees. This toolkit illuminates how bias can unintentionally influence evaluations of merit in hiring, developing, retaining and advancing employees. We provide guidelines for ways you can use criteria as a tool to block bias.
The evaluation of performance happens constantly, both formally and informally. These kinds of evaluations lead to judgments about who is “high potential,” who needs to improve and who should get access to challenging and high visibility assignments leading to career advancement.
In this toolkit, you will learn how bias can unintentionally influence evaluations of merit in hiring, developing, retaining and advancing employees.
Download the Performance and Potential Toolkit
How do you block bias from impacting your evaluation of performance? All solutions must block the use of stereotypes in assessing talent. When stereotypes become a short cut, bias can creep into the evaluation process. This guideline outlines ways you can use criteria as a tool to block bias.
Preventing Sexual Harassment Guide
Sexual harassment is one of the most persistent barriers to women's leadership in the workplace. Today, the prevalence of sexual harassment in companies, universities, organizations and public institutions is epidemic. This report provides the current state of knowledge about sexual harassment, and provides evidence-based strategies and actions tailored to individuals, managers, and organizational leaders and policy-setters.
View the Preventing Sexual Harassment Guide
Sexual harassment is one of the most persistent barriers to women's leadership in the workplace. Today, the prevalence of sexual harassment in companies, universities, organizations and public institutions is epidemic. This report provides the current state of knowledge about sexual harassment, and provides evidence-based strategies and actions tailored to individuals, managers, and organizational leaders and policy-setters.
Redesigning Redefining Work Videobook
The Redesigning, Redefining Work Videobook offers innovative ideas and leading-edge research to help you create inclusive workplace cultures where people thrive and companies win in the global marketplace. The Videobook may be used as a resource to spark new ways of thinking about your own workplace and can provide a solid foundation for engaging in important conversations about the future of work.