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Original Research Papers
- Rivera, Lauren A., Katherine Weisshaar, and András Tilcsik. 2024. "Disparate Impact? Career Disruptions and COVID-19 Impact Statements in Tenure Evaluations." Sociological Science 11 (2024): 626-648.
- Chow, Tiffany Yu. 2024. "Doing Gender, Undoing Race Token Processes For Women With Multiple Subordinate Identities." Gender and Society.
- Rackley, K. R., Awad, G. H., Payne, T., & Bennett, A. M. 2024. Gender and the Imposter Phenomenon. In K. Cokley’s (Ed.), The imposter phenomenon: Psychological research, theory, and interventions (pp. 161-180). American Psychological Association.
- Gilmartin, Shannon K., Samantha R. Brunhaver, Sara Jordan-Bloch, Gabriela Gall Rosa, Caroline Simard, and Sheri D. Sheppard. 2024. "Early-Career Assignments and Workforce Inequality in Engineering." Engineering Studies 16:1, 8-32, DOI.
- Hill, Marbella Eboni, Simon E. Fern, Rachel Kimbro, and Cayce C.Hughes. 2024. "“If I got it, she got it”: Black mothers' food provision and symbiotic mothering." Journal of Marriage and Family.
- Abad, Melissa. 2023. Diversity Management Research and Practice: An Intersectionality Proposal. Tsedale Melaku (Editor), Angie Beeman (Editor), Christoph Winkler (Editor). The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook on Workplace Diversity and Stratification.
- Wynn, Alison T., and Emily K. Carian. 2023. "High-Hanging Fruit: How Gender Bias Remains Entrenched in Performance Evaluations." Society for the Study of Social Problems.
- Fielding-Singh, Priya, and Marianne Cooper. 2023. "Negotiating good motherhood: Foodwork, emotion work, and downscaling." Journal of Marriage and Family.
- Alinor, Malissa, Ronald L. Simons, and Man-Kit Lei. 2023. "Racism Over Time: Experiences from a Panel Study of Black Americans." Social Psychology Quarterly.
- Melin, Julia L. 2023. "The Help-Seeking Paradox: Gender and the Consequences of Using Career Reentry Assistance." Social Psychology Quarterly.
- Gomez, Jennifer M., PhD, Jennifer J. Freyd, PhD, Jorge Delva, PhD, Brenda Tracy, RN, MBA, Lori Nishiura Mackenzie, MBA, Victor Ray, PhD, and Beverly Washington, LMSW. 2023. "Institutional Courage in Action: Racism, Sexual Violence, & Concrete Institutional Change." Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.
- Bjorklund, Tua A., Shannon K. Gilmartin, and Sheri D. Sheppard. 2022. "The dynamics of innovation efforts in the early career." Creativity and Innovation Management.
- Fielding-Singh, Priya, and Marianne Cooper. 2022. "The emotional management of motherhood: Foodwork, maternal guilt, and emotion work." Journal of Marriage and Family.
- Melin, Julia L. and Shelley J. Correll. 2022. "Preventing soft skill decay among early-career women in STEM during COVID-19: Evidence from a longitudinal intervention." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Hill, Marbella Eboni. 2022. "Do The Marriageable Men want to Protect and Provide? The Expectation of Black Professional Hybrid Masculinity." Gender & Society.
- Gilmartin, Shannon, Angela Harris, Christina Martin-Ebosele, and Sheri Sheppard. 2022. "Human Resources. In the climate crisis, we can’t forget the who." Prism.
- Corbett, Christianne, Jan G. Voelkel, Marianne Cooper, and Robb Willer. 2022. "Pragmatic bias impedes women’s access to political leadership." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Carian, Emily K., and Amy L Johnson. 2022. "The Agency Myth: Persistence in Individual Explanations for Gender Inequality." Social Problems.
- Francis, Linda E., and Malissa Alinor. 2022. "Bereavement Adaptation as Deflection Reduction: Bereaved Caregivers Define the Event of Dying." American Behavioral Scientist.
- Abraham, Mabel, Daphné Baldassari, Frank Dobbin, Mabel Abraham, Daphné Baldassari, JoAnne Delfino Wehner, Sanaz Mobasseri, Alison Tracy Wynn, Aaron Dhir, Robin J. Ely, William A. Kahn, Sarah Kaplan and Kristine Kilanski. 2021. "Organizational Narratives to Workplace Inequality." Academy of Management.
- Sterling, Adina D., Marissa E. Thompson, Shiya Wang, Abisola Kusimo, Shannon Gilmartin, and Sheri Sheppard. 2020. "The confidence gap predicts the gender pay gap among STEM graduates." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Correll, Shelley J., Katherine R. Weisshaar, Alison T. Wynn, and JoAnne Delfino Wehner. 2020. "Inside the Black Box of Organizational Life: The Gendered Language of Performance Assessment." American Sociological Review.
- Neely, Megan Tobias. 2020. "The Portfolio Ideal Worker: Insecurity and Inequality in the New Economy." Qualitative Sociology.
- Cooper, Marianne and Alison J. Pugh. 2020. "Families Across the Income Spectrum: A Decade in Review." Journal of Marriage and Family.
- Wynn, Alison T. 2019. "Individual Change Won't Create Gender Equality in Organizations." The Gender Policy Report.
- Rao, Aliya Hamid, and Megan Tobias Neely, 2019. "What's love got to do with it? Passion and inequality in white‐collar work." Sociology Compass 2019;e12744.
- Wynn, Alison T. 2019. "Letting Companies Off The Hook: How Top Executives Explain Away Inequality." Gender & Society.
- Wynn, Alison T. 2019. "Pathways toward Change: Ideologies and Gender Equality in a Silicon Valley Technology Company." Gender & Society.
- Wynn, Alison T. 2019. "Change without an agent: What happens when change agents leave?" Organizational Dynamics.
- Abad, Melissa. 2019. "Race, Knowledge, and Tasks: Racialized Occupational Trajectories." Melissa E. Wooten (ed.) Race, Organizations, and the Organizing Process (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 60) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.111 - 130.
- Hart, Chloe Grace. 2019. "The Penalties for Self-Reporting Sexual Harassment." Gender & Society.
- Tak, Elise, Shelley J. Correll, and Sarah A. Soule. 2019. "Gender Inequality in Product Markets: When and How Status Beliefs Transfer to Products." Social Forces.
- Hart, Chloe Grace, Alison Dahl Crossley, and Shelley J. Correll. 2018. "Leader Messaging and Attitudes toward Sexual Violence." Socious.
- Berdahl, Jennifer L., Marianne Cooper, Peter Glick, Robert W. Livingston, and Joan C. Williams. 2018. “Work as a Masculinity Contest.” Journal of Social Issues 74(3): 415-653.
- Ballakrishnen, Swethaa, Priya Fielding-Singh, and Devon Magliozzi. 2018. “Intentional Invisibility: Professional Women and the Navigation of Workplace Constraints.” Sociological Perspectives, Forthcoming 2018.
- Wynn, Alison T. and Shelley J. Correll. 2018. "Combating Gender Bias in Modern Workplaces." Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, edited by Barbara Risman, Carissa Froyum, and William Scarborough. New York: Springer Press.
- Wynn, Alison T., and Shelley J. Correll. 2018. “Puncturing the pipeline: Do technology companies alienate women in recruiting sessions?” Social Studies of Science 48(1): 149-164.
- Cooper, Marianne and Shelley J. Correll. 2018. "State of the Union on Gender Inequality: Policy." Pathways, Special Issue.
- King, Molly M., Carl T. Bergstrom, Shelley J. Correll, Jennifer Jacquet, and Jevin D. West. 2017 "Men Set Their Own Cites High: Gender and Self-citation across Fields and over Time." Socius.
- Correll, Shelley J. 2017. “Reducing gender biases in modern workplaces: A small wins approach to organizational change.” Gender & Society 31(6): 725-750.
- Correll, Shelley J., Cecilia L. Ridgeway, Ezra Zuckerman, Sharon Jank, Sara Jordan-Bloch, Sandra Nakagawa. 2017. “It’s the conventional thought that counts: How third-order inference produces status advantage.” American Sociological Review 82(2): 297-327.
- Wynn, Alison T. and Shelley J. Correll. 2017. "Gendered Perceptions of Cultural and Skill Alignment in Technology Companies." Social Sciences 6(45).
- Correll, Shelley J., Erin L. Kelly, Lindsey Trimble O’Connor, Joan C. Williams. 2014. "Redesigning, Redefining Work." Work and Occupations 41(1): 3 – 17.