Sara Jordan-Bloch
Sara Jordan-Bloch is a sociologist and senior research scholar at the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab, where she directs the Lab’s education initiatives, including: undergraduate and graduate student programs, the postdoctoral research scholars program, and projects focused on educating for impact. Jordan-Bloch also founded and directs the Seeds of Change initiative – one of the Lab’s core impact research projects – a sociologically-informed leadership development program that aims to provide young women and girls with frameworks, knowledge, and skills to find and strengthen their voice and to navigate critical transitions such as starting college and entering the workforce.
Jordan-Bloch’s research centers on the intersection of social psychology and education, and her work at the Lab focuses on how gender bias and racialized gender bias is experienced and understood during critical transitions for young women. She is also an expert in relationship-based learning, and in how perceptions of mattering to others is a key relational resource that ties individuals to organizations. Jordan-Bloch regularly speaks to a wide range of academic and public audiences on topics related to women’s and girls’ leadership, relationship-based learning, early career, and the transition from school-to-work. She was a founding member of the Lean In Education Team and served on the Brain Trust for Lean In Girls. Jordan-Bloch received her BA in sociology from Brown University and her PhD in sociology from Stanford University.