Corporate Program members engaging at a poster session.
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Corporate Program Overview

When academics find ways to collaborate with practitioners, together we can jumpstart progress toward gender equality.
Shelley J. Correll
Shelley Correll
Faculty Director & Principal Investigator

The Corporate Program brings together top academics and senior executives who are advancing women’s opportunities in their organizations.

We offer a dynamic, interactive learning community where cutting-edge research is applied to real-world challenges around creating inclusive workplaces, fostering innovation, and developing leadership.

To learn more about becoming a Corporate Program member, contact us at womensleadership [at] (subject: Corporate%20Program%20Interest) (womensleadership[at]stanford[dot]edu).


  • A dynamic forum for learning:  Our annual member meeting, held on the Stanford campus, features internationally recognized scholars at the forefront of research on women’s leadership and workplace inclusivity. Our meetings bring top academics and senior executives together to share insights and strategies for building more egalitarian workplaces. Small group forums and webinars take a deep dive on key topics and enhance the knowledge transfer between researchers and practitioners.


  • Access to research and tools: Program members have access to our research, resources and tools, plus the opportunity to contribute to the Lab’s research agenda. Our online education modules, featuring faculty from top universities, offer research-based training for empowering employees to become effective leaders. We also offer a variety of toolkits that help promote more inclusive hiring and evaluation of talent.
  • A results-oriented change model: Our approach to creating positive change targets the actual people processes that support company leadership and culture. Our model focuses on achieving small wins in operational areas such as recruitment, hiring, and performance evaluation where unintentional bias is most likely to get in the way of good decision-making. We provide specific guidance for blocking the effects of bias and building inclusivity in these key functions.
  • Strategies for engaging men: Men play a vital role in creating more inclusive workplaces and advancing women’s leadership—as mentors, sponsors, and advocates. We share real-world strategies and tactics for engaging men in the change process.


  • Membership in a vibrant educational community: Corporate Program members have the opportunity to engage with an exciting and diverse group of faculty and students working on questions of gender equality. Members are  regularly notified regarding speakers, events and workshops on campus, and have opportunities throughout the year to meet with faculty and students conducting research.
  • Affiliation: Corporate Program membership visibly signals your company’s commitment to advancing women’s leadership and increasing workplace diversity.  Members are invited to share their affiliation with the Lab in company recruitment and other materials, upon approval by program administrators.


When you join the Corporate Program, your dues provide vital support to foundational research that advances women’s equality and workplace inclusiveness. Member dues also help fund women’s leadership programs at Stanford and in the community. The annual membership fee is $20,000. (Non-profit universities and U.S. government agencies may be eligible for a reduced membership fee of $5,000.)

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women raising their hands at a meeting

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panelists on stage at a meeting

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Our member organizations represent varied sectors.

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