We research the mechanisms that allow gender inequality to persist in organizations and design interventions to get beyond the barriers to full equality.

We offer a dynamic learning community where cutting-edge research is applied to real-world challenges around creating inclusive workplaces, fostering innovation and developing leadership.

We provide innovative training and support to advance girls and young women in STEM as they transition through high school and college to successful careers.

We bridge the gap between research and practice to foster more inclusive organizations.
The VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab at Stanford University generates foundational research to advance women's leadership by diagnosing barriers, developing and evaluating interventions to get beyond barriers, and disseminates research-based solutions by bridging the gap between research and practice.
Our Research & Resources
Gender equality - like clean air - is a public good that benefits us all.

Our Goal

Jumpstart the pace of change on gender equality so women across all backgrounds can advance into leadership.
Many well-intentioned efforts have been made to increase the number of women in leadership. However, progress has stalled to the point that achieving gender equality seems like an insurmountable challenge. The Lab strives to generate evidence-based solutions to advancing gender equality, equality that is critical to innovation and to solving the most pressing social problems of our time. Our work focuses on removing gender biases in organizational processes and workplace cultures. We accelerate the pace of change by partnering with external groups, collaborating with leading organizations and change agents across sectors.
Our Approach

A “small wins” model for creating sustainable change.
The Lab strives to reach our goal by embracing a “small wins” model for reducing gender biases. Key to this model are identifying barriers to women’s advancement, sharing knowledge with organizational change agents, and codesigning and evaluating solutions. Those small wins motivate further action and are the building blocks to larger organizational change.

Leverage our research backed tools
Leverage our research backed tools
The Voice & Influence online curriculum is designed to empower individuals to realize their professional potential, and help them create organizations where workers can excel, belong and thrive
Media Mentions
Members of our industry affiliates give their employees access to our resources
Our Corporate Program offers a unique learning community that brings together leading academics and practitioners around advancing diversity and inclusive leadership. We offer our members early access to cutting edge research, and regular forums for sharing ideas, strategies and tools. Our members represent a range of industries and are dedicated to creating more inclusive workplaces where all individuals can thrive and succeed.